Get in touch

Home Get in touch

How to find your PKF member firm in Cameroon:

CEMAC Head Office: Douala

ACN & Co (Certified Public Accountants and Registered Auditors)
155 Rue Sylvanie AKWA Douala 
BP 1019 Douala, Cameroon

Tel:+237 233 430 022
Fax:+237 233430022

Contact Person: Mr. AWUNGJIA Christopher

Status/Designation: Managing Partner
Mobile: +237 696859024 / +237 676548777



ACN & Co Certified Public Accountants and Registered Auditors
MAHAN House Molyko - 1st Floor
P.O. Box 183 Buea, Cameroon

Tel: +237 233430022
Fax: +237 233430022
Mobile: +237 676548777 / 696859024